Tuesday, May 10, 2011


For the last month or so, I and two co-workers have been planning to attend the Scholars Institute Conference in Tuscaloosa, AL.  After all the destruction of April 27, I was sure it would be canceled.  When I received an e-mail a few days ago from the planning committee excitedly telling us all that it was still on, I had to shake my head and think, WHY? 

I'm looking forward to it and not looking forward to it. 

For one thing, I am a woman of habit and routine.  I like to get up and run with my girls or alone in the mornings.  I like to attend my gym classes.  I like to go into my little job and know what to expect from the day.  I like my coffee.  I like the cooties belonging to me, Jason and Chance - not those of hotels (although, staying in a hotel is sort of fun from time to time).  So I'm not totally thrilled with getting out of routine for something that isn't a fun trip with my fella (I know this makes me sound horribly old and boring, but there it is).  

However, after reading the agenda and the different sessions I can attend, I am looking forward to hearing what they have to say about some of these topics.  I think it will not only benefit what I am doing now, but things I may want to do in the future as well. 

But then there is the whole tornado thing.  Tuscaloosa was hit much harder than we were.  And I know things have to go back to normal, people have to go back to work and the things that were planned must go on but...something still does not feel quite right...even if it is.

Either way, off I go.  I've tried (tried) to quit whining about it and look more at the positive side I listed above.
As far as running goes...you know, the purpose of this blog...well, I'm running.  I don't really have a training plan, even though I'm still holding out hope of a 10k PR at Cotton Row, May 31.  I ran the course twice on Sunday - early morning with Shannon and some of the morning crew, and in the afternoon with Mom and Sis.  I'm trying to throw in hard hills when I do run, and my time in Kentucky was great practice on that front.  So we shall see.  I kind of wish my old motivation and drive would return soon, while I am enjoying the less intense training program of running whatever I want whenever I want.

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