Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Running and Writing

"Like writing, running is so much about mind over matter.  There are times when you have to override the discomfort and keep pushing. That capacity to endure and then prevail is just amazing."  - Susan Orlean, Author and New Yorker staff writer

I saw this quote on Facebook today and it said exactly what I oftentimes feel about both running and writing.  As I've mentioned before I absolutely love to write.  My love of running has simply given me plenty of material to write about and so the two, for me, have gone hand in hand for quite a while.  The more I wrote and the more I ran, the more stories I had to tell.  I think pushing myself to tell of these running experiences, relationships, lessons, etc. has made me a better writer, just as training even when I don't feel like it has made me a better runner.

There are days when a runner has to override discomfort, the desire to sit this one out.  And some might argue that running should be fun or there is no point (I agree with that for the most part), but sometimes the training, pushing, overriding, and overcoming is part of that fun.  I really enjoy having a goal that gets me out there every morning and requires me to run certain distances and aim for certain paces.  I also enjoy when I can simply run for fitness, pleasure, and a good chat with a friend or two (or seven) before work each day. 

Either way, it is a journey well worth the effort.

The quote above also made me think of my friends and fellow local runners who will be running the Rocket City Marathon on Saturday.  Many are entering their very first marathon, many are going for a personal record, and some are there to help runners from both groups achieve their goal.  Saturday will be one of those days where they have to override the discomfort and keep pushing.  They will have to endure for a little while in order to prevail.

Many of these runners I know, some I just know of, and countless others I know not at all, but I feel an excitement and anticipation for all of them.  The weather Saturday is predicted to be absolutely perfect for marathon running and I wish all the runners out there the very, very best on their race day.  Get out there and PREVAIL!  (Maybe that's a good mantra word...)  

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