Sunday, August 8, 2010

What Really Happened

So yesterday I got up, drank some coffee, and wrote a bit before packing up and hopping in my car to head to lake Guntersville with some of my best pals.  I needed to make some stops before I left town, however, because it was tax free weekend and even if it were not, I needed to pick up some things.  I knew I would not get another chance, so off I went.

Two hours later Jason called to tell me he'd finished his ride, and I said I was still in town.  There were several things I wanted to get done and I wasn't sure how to make it happen.  With the new job on top of my training schedule, I wasn't getting home until 6:30 or 7:00 each evening...which meant I was a bit overwhelmed by all I wanted to accomplish before Monday showed up again.  Jason said I should stay and do them if that is what I wanted to do.  So I made the phone call and then went home to have some lunch with Jason.  We tackled some much needed chores and then set out again for more errands. 

By 5:00, he was exhausted from his early morning and long ride.  We grabbed a Zaxby's salad and headed home. 

Why not do all of those things Sunday, you might be asking?  Well, we are heading out of town to celebrate Jason's brother's birthday and we will be leaving before stores and such open. 

The truth about me is that I'm not really a shopper. If I need something, I put it off until I need more than one something and then I try to hit it all at once.  The tax-free weekend offered me the chance to save a bit of money, and I wanted to take advantage of that.  The other truth about me is I like having all my ducks in a row by Monday.  I like for us to have clean running and cycling clothes so that we don't run out mid-week.  I like for us to have groceries for lunches and dinners.  I like for the house to be reasonably clean because I know I am not going to get to it during the week.  I also like time with my man, and with my new schedule, we hadn't really seen much of each other during the week.

Does this mean I never go anywhere and have fun?  Certainly not.  It just is hard to have fun when my plate is stacked so high.  And I don't mean with pancakes. 

The day was a good day, despite not getting to see my friends...who may have disowned me by now.  As for today, it has started with coffee, quiet, and heart-shaped blueberry muffins by Jason.  Perfect.  And I am at peace with how I spent the day, despite breaking the streak and canning the girl's day. 


  1. okay, so that doesn't sound SO bad, now that you explain it like that. but earlier... when you mentioned vacuuming... i was thinking i'd better contact the clubhouse and rile them up for some kind of big "reeducation" program.

  2. Ha ha ha ha, I know, I know. I'm not even sure how the vote turned out on whether or not I get forgiveness for missing the weekend. ;)
