Friday, June 8, 2012

Exercising in the Third Trimester

Well, my friends, at just over 31 weeks pregnant it is getting a little harder to run these days.  Not impossible, mind you, but take this big, protruding belly, hotter and more humid days, and the increased tiredness that creeps back into the third trimester, and it is definitely more challenging.  I'm still meeting my goal of one hour of exercise a day by walking, swimming, doing my pilates and weight workouts, but sometimes it doesn't feel as high intensity as I'd like it to running.   

I tried a water aerobics class at the gym yesterday and it was fun and felt pretty good, but I wasn't sure if I was getting much of a workout.  I based that on my breathing.  I wasn't breathing very hard, although certain muscles did burn a little throughout.  When I got done, however, I was really tired and then this morning I was a tad sore in places, so I think I got more out of it than I realized.  It was fun to try something new and to get a little creative with fitting in that one hour a day. 

Here is what my week looks like so far:

Monday - 5 mile run.  I warmed up for 5 minutes and then ran 3.5 before getting Chance and giving him a few minutes to walk before we ran again.  Felt REALLY good and the morning was cool and breezy.

Tuesday - 3 mile run/walk, 30 minutes of weights and pilates. Felt a little more tired this morning so I walked more during the run. I was really tired before I did my weights and pilates workout, but afterward I felt great!

Wednesday - 3 mile walk with sis, 1 mile walk with Chance, 20 laps (1000 yds) swimming.  The walk with my sis felt great.  I took Chance later in the morning and followed that up with a swim at the Y. 

Thursday - Water Aerobics class (1 hour) and walked Chance 1 mile.  The water aerobics class was fun and then I took Chance for a walk before dinner. 

Friday - 3 mile walk with sis.  So far today I have walked 3 miles with Julie. I'm planning to hit the pool in a bit for 20 laps.  That may be it for today or I may throw in a few weights and pilates.  I've let swimming take the place of that workout, but I'm not sure it should.  I could always do my weights and pilates and then shorten the amount of laps I do if I need to.

I think once Jason completes his Ironman and his training slows down for a bit, I will begin requesting evening walks after dinner.  I think that will help my stomach settle and help me sleep better too.  Sleep has been elusive lately, although I've begun experimenting with pillow placement and I think I might be figuring out how to get comfortable. 

Despite being a bit more tired than usual and exercise being less intense and more sporadic, I'm hanging on with both hands to that one hour, still feeling good about this pregnancy and hoping to reap the benefits of this when it is time for labor and delivery!  Two more months, give or take a little! 


  1. I'm so so impressed by you Jane! I worked out when I was prego but not nearly as much. Way to go! Way to be an inspiration for so many other prego women out there. What a healthy start you are giving to your child. I really thing t here is so much to be said about the good we are doing for our babies when we are healthy/active during pregnancy.

  2. Thank you for the encouragement, Amanda! It is tough some days, but I am trying to hang in there and stick with it. Thinking of my baby girl is definitley a motivational factor!!

  3. You are doing awesome!! Love seeing that you can still do it going into the 3rd tri :) I noticed that I didn't sleep as deep once I was prego and I still don't but I've adapted to it now.
