Thursday, July 19, 2012

37 weeks and 3 walks

I'm 37 weeks and 1 day today, and I just got back from another good doctor's appointment.  They did an ultrasound because last week I measured small.  Eloise is doing great, measuring almost 36 weeks and she is "symmetrical" which means all of her parts are forming at the same rate.  They estimated that she weighed about 6 lbs now.  My amniotic fluid levels are good, her heart rate is good, my blood pressure is good and so on and so on.  My cervix is dilated about half a centimeter and Dr. K did something that she described as "stretching," which I think has something to do with my uterus to get it to start thinning...?  I have no idea, but I am supportive if it gets things moving!

I am not super uncomfortable, really, but evenings are hard.  I'm tired, but lying around after dinner isn't always comfortable.  We had dinner a little earlier than usual last night and so by 7:30 I was full and restless.  I decided the only thing for it was a walk, and I knew Chance would be game even though we'd both already been that day.

I'd started the day with a 3 mile walk with my sister and then came home and took Chance for a mile after I ate breakfast.  I'd slept well the night before (for the first time this week) so I was feeling rested and energetic.  It rained during the day so the evening was somewhat cooler than the morning had been, even if it was super humid.  We walked almost 2 miles, giving me almost 6 for the day, and Chance 3.  That's a pretty big day for both of us during this hot summer of pregnancy! 

I took a hot shower when I got home, and even though my back was achy when I finally got in bed, I was able to fall asleep fairly quickly and stay that way for most of the night.  Another good night's rest!  Score!

I've decided the evening walk may be something I start incorporating daily, even if I've already been that morning.  If I feel good and can't get comfortable sitting on the couch, that will be my cure. It doesn't have to be far, just something to help my stomach settle and loosen me up a little before bedtime.  A hot shower and a cool class of water before bed, and hopefully sleep will come a little easier. 

I hear I'm not going to get as much of that once Eloise arrives. 

1 comment:

  1. It was great doing lunch with you the other day. You sound ready to go and so excited. You are going to make a great mom! Can't wait to see her soon!
